Nomination for the 2nd Edition of Tertiary Student Awards Opens April 3rd, 2019 - The No.1 Infotainment blog


The No.1 Infotainment blog


Sunday, 31 March 2019

Nomination for the 2nd Edition of Tertiary Student Awards Opens April 3rd, 2019


Tertiary Student Awards is an annual award event aimed at recognizing, celebrating and awarding students and youths who have outstandingly and significantly contributed to the growth and development of the country and nation at large in the sector of arts, entertainment, fashion, lifestyle, media, music and sports.
Tertiary Student Awards 2019 consists of 35 award categories. (20 voting award categories for students and 15 voting award categories for youths). These categories will be unveiled on all our social media pages and website March 31th and nomination starts April 3rd.
Nomination is open to everyone and will be hosted on our official website. Nomination will last for one month and a nominees list will be released after nomination.
For more enquiries and sponsorship,
Calls/WhatsApp: 08141284690
Follow Us:
Twitter: @TSA_Awards
Instagram: @tertiarystudentawards
Facebook Page: @tertiarystudentawards

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